Upper Room Church, Inc. was organized a non-denominational church in October 2005 under the leadership of Drs. Michael and Tamara Scott. They held services on Saturdays at 7:00 pm in what was widely known as “Saturday Night Alive”. This worship service was held in the chapel of the Bennie Smith Funeral Home located at 247 N. Rehoboth Blvd. in  Milford, Delaware. The Scott’s were also pastoring a church in Temperanceville, Virginia and those services were held on Sundays at 8:00AM and 11:00AM.


The church was increasing in attendance and quickly outgrew the chapel. The church relocated to 18 SW Front Street, Milford, Delaware. This continued until the congregation decided they wanted to worship on Sunday mornings rather than Saturday nights. Pastors Michael and Tamara Scott stated that they could not effectively serve both churches on Sundays due to the fact that they resided in Virginia. Pastor Scott decided to appoint a site pastor while he still would provide oversight of the church. Minister Clark Chester was appointed as the first site pastor. He was used by God to facilitate growth and brought order to the church. Site Pastor Chester was an excellent choice and was embraced by the church along with his wife and young son.  Plans were made to install Minister Chester as the Pastor but God had another plan. Minister Clark Chester was called to rest from labor to reward suddenly while en route to the church in December 2008.


While searching for a replacement for the late Minister Clark Chester, Pastor Scott sent various ministers and elders from the church in Virginia along with the clergy that were already at the Upper Room Church to supply the pulpit on a weekly basis. The members were spiritual fed each Sunday not only with a different message but a different messenger. In the beginning of 2009, the church relocated to 39 N. Walnut Street, in Milford, Delaware and Rev. Relford Matthews was appointed as the 2nd Site Pastor. Rev. Matthews, accompanied by  his wife, Mrs. Rita Matthews  were very excited about the new assignment. Rev. Relford Matthews also committed himself to making the drive from Virginia  to Delaware sometimes twice a week. He was so faithful to the ministry, sometimes he and his wife would even stay in Delaware for the weekend. He continued to serve the church until 2012 when he decided to take another assignment closer to home. 


In October 2012, God once again shifted the leadership of the church.  Minister Shirley E. Baker was ordained and installed as Senior Pastor under the leadership of the organizers, Pastors Michael and Tamara Scott, who relocated to Michigan to take on a new church assignment. Under Pastor Baker’s leadership, the church has placed a greater emphasis on outreach, community service, and transforming lives.  In 2019 when the global pandemic known as  COVID-19 emerged and churches had to close down, Pastor Baker along with her husband, Minister Kevin S. Baker,  continued to lead the congregation through virtual Sunday services and telephone conference calls and Bible Studies. The landlord of the 39 N. Walnut Street property,  Mr. DeMartin passed away and a new owner/landlord implemented  new rules during the Covid era. The church decided to leave the building that they once thought they would purchase and be at forever. In June 2022 the congregation reinstated in-person worship services held at  Milford Senior Center, while continuing to maintain an online/virtual presence as well. The Upper Room Church is planning to purchase a new building that we can call our own, making roots in a new community while continuing to transform lives for Christ! To God be the glory for the great things He has done!